Home » Archives » COVER STORY From the Heart HCC mourns the loss of Joe Wright ’54 FEATURE Family Pride How one alum’s HCC education inspired her daughter to pursue her own college dreams FEATURE Celebrating 75 The party was well worth the wait FEATURE Full Circle Ainsley Murdock ’19 is helping current students find success DEPARTMENT From The President Establishing connections — it's the most important thing we do here DEPARTMENT Campus Roundup News and events from campus DEPARTMENT Dear HCC Notes from our alumni, friends, and readers. MY HCC STORY Liuginsa Rosa ’20 HCC is where my path to success started HCC GIVING That Little Push Bill Parks wants to help students succeed. For many of them, that means coming to HCC. DEPARTMENT Alumni, Out & About Alumni at home and on the road TRIBUTE A Revolutionary Character HCC pays tribute to Professor Don Hanover, 1965-2021 DEPARTMENT Class Notes What have you been up to since your school days at HCC? DEPARTMENT In Memoriam We are saddened to learn of the passing of members of the HCC community LEGACY GIVING Dean Gallagher Join Dean Gallagher in The Frost Society