In Memoriam

We are saddened to learn of the passing of the following members of the HCC community: 

David M. Bartley ’54, former president 

John E. Armata ’57

Ralph F. Whelihan, Jr. ’57

Frank S. Godek ’59

Hugh J. Richards ’62

Joseph G. Williams ’70

Leon C. Loiselle ’71

Charles E. Manion ’71

Robert W. Jolly Jr. ’73

Sr. Catherine M. Zajac ’73

David J. Bessette ’73

Arthur R. Lemire ’74

Thomas B. Kusek ’76

William T. Cokotis Sr. ’78

Alex Sajkovic ’78

Marilyn Katz ’79

Jacqueline M. Sullivan ’79

Ann M. Czuchra ’80

Michael F. Paszek ’80

Denise E. Tousignant ’81

James F. Zabik ’82

David M. Gomez ’82

Eileen A. Kane ’82

Luke A. Brunelle Jr. ’83

Karen E. Ross ’83

Jerald M. Duffy ’84

Susan Wilbur ’90

Kris A. Sanders ’90

Jennifer L. Englert ’91

Helen E. Wilson ’98

Kelly F. Simpson ’00

Patricia A. Cupak ’01

Mark L. Godaire ’03

Daniel G. Bouquillon ’06

John P. Howard ’10

Edward R. St. Amand 

Stanley Dunny, retired faculty

Helen L. Field, retired faculty

Elizabeth G. Tite, retired faculty

And our longtime friend and supporter:

Patricia Taupier

The Magazine of Holyoke Community College
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