From The President

Dear Alumni and Friends,

As we prepare to conclude this academic year, I continue to be filled with gratitude, pride, and excitement since stepping into my role as president of Holyoke Community College. I want to express my heartfelt thanks for all you have done to welcome me into this amazing community and for your unwavering support of our students and mission.

Taking on the role of president has been a remarkable journey, one that has offered me an up-close look at the incredible community that makes up HCC. Throughout the last two semesters, I have been deeply moved by the dedication and passion that our alumni, donors, faculty, staff, and friends have for this institution.

Holyoke Community College has a rich history, and I am honored to play a part in its future. I firmly believe that a thriving community college is the result of a collective effort, and your generosity is at the heart of what makes us so special.

Our shared vision to be a college of academic excellence known for helping students overcome barriers to their success guides all we do. In the pages that follow, you will find examples of how we have advanced that work while living our values of innovation, collaboration, kindness, inclusion, and trust. These values resonated with me from the moment I first learned about HCC. Now that I am here, it is clear they are words put into action every day.

As we look ahead to the coming months and years, we have ambitious plans and exciting initiatives in store. We aim to further promote student success, continue to be a community where everyone feels welcome, deepen our partnerships, and increase our impact on the communities we serve. Your continued support is vital to our success, and I am confident that, together, we can achieve remarkable accomplishments. 

I am excited about the promise our future holds and the progress we will make together. As we embark on this new chapter in the life of the college, I am filled with optimism and enthusiasm for the opportunities ahead. Thank you for joining us on this journey.

With gratitude,

George Timmons, Ph.D.

The Magazine of Holyoke Community College
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