A Love of the Theater

A conversation with Peter Hicks ’80 and Laura Hicks ’81

Peter Hicks ’80 and Laura Hicks ’81
Peter Hicks ’80 and Laura Hicks ’81

Fall 1979 was my second year, and Laura’s first. I was a music major. She was psychology. We hadn’t met yet. Dan and Judy Oberholtzer, who ran the Music Department along with Sidney Smith, decided to put on a dinner theater production of “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown” as a collaboration between the music, theater, and culinary arts programs. There was a little pit band, and we did the show in one of the rehearsal rooms of C building (Fine & Performing Arts), and they served dinner. They had tables like a café. It was really wonderful, and the food was very good. People loved it. 

I was used to getting leads in HCC shows. I had wanted to play either Charlie Brown or Snoopy. After auditions, they posted the cast list, and it said, “Peter Hicks: Linus.” And I was like, I’m not playing Linus! And they had cast a girl as Snoopy. I was miffed. Miffed! 

LAURA: I knew the Overholtzers because they lived in Belchertown, where I grew up. I was walking down the hallway one day. Judy Overholtzer saw me. She said, “Laura, why don’t you try out for the play?” I had no intention of trying out, but I did. I got the part of Snoopy.

PETER: As it turned out, I loved playing Linus. It was so much fun. As I look back their casting was perfect. Laura was a great Snoopy.

As I look back their casting was perfect. Laura was a great Snoopy.

LAURA: We did the play, and I had a crush on him. But all my classes were in Donahue. I had no reason to go to C building, but that’s where the music majors were. As head of the music club, Peter ran a coffee shop on the first floor where the musicians would hang out. I made sure to walk past so I could say hi. 

PETER: The first time I ever saw her was before Christmas when we had our first read-through for the show. She was very unusual. She was wearing like this grey Pope’s hat and a grey cape. Right away I could see she marched to the beat of a different drummer. My first thought was, wouldn’t it be funny if this was a woman I’d marry someday. Sure enough, that’s how it ended up.

LAURA: After graduating from HCC, he went to Hartt School of Music in Hartford. I graduated a year later and went to Mount Holyoke College. We both ended up graduating in 1983 and got married that summer. 

PETER: We had both come from big families. Six kids in mine. Five in hers. Neither of our families were well off. I wouldn’t use the word poor, but we didn’t have a lot of money. HCC was perfect for us financially. I had just started looking toward music as a life. I wasn’t really trained in it, so I thought HCC would be a good fit. I liked being home. I wanted to be near my family. 

LAURA: I grew up on a farm. I was an above average student but terrible at the SATs, and I did not like the huge class sizes at UMass, so I picked HCC. I was the co-salutatorian of my class, and received the Harriet Newhall Scholarship to Mount Holyoke, so my tuition was free. HCC gave me the potential to bloom. I played on the basketball team. I didn’t know I was going to do theater. The professors were very attentive. I think the quality is fantastic.

PETER: Our experience with HCC was wonderful, and all five of our children went to HCC. It’s our family school. 

LAURA: It’s been not only a great education for them, but it has saved us thousands of dollars.  

PETER: Music’s been our lives, really, but when we were raising our kids we weren’t doing musical theater. For 35 years, I was a music director of our church. Laura and I have an act, “Musically Married.” We sing out. I’ve written a lot of music. 

LAURA: He’s written Christmas cantatas and Easter cantatas. He has two CDs of original Christian music, and we have toured around New England churches, singing.

PETER: In 2013, we both auditioned for parts in Les Misérables at Exit 7 Theater in Ludlow, and we both got parts in the cast. I got bitten again by the theater bug. I’ve played Scrooge four times – that’s kind of my role. I was Fagan in “Oliver.” Exit 7 just did a “Scrooge” musical that I wrote. I’ve been able to make a career of community theater.

LAURA: Which goes back to our roots, meeting here.

PETER: HCC really did set us on a direction. It’s a great part of our life. 

Peter Hicks is the retired manager of Eddie’s Furniture in Holyoke, the Hicks family business. Laura Hicks runs Merciful Management, a property company owned by her and her husband. They are the proud parents of five HCC graduates: Samuel ’11, Abigail ’12, Julia ’15, Angela ’17, and Rebecca ’20.

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